Join our exclusive Loyalty Program FOR FREE and experience ultimate rewards, thrilling perks, and benefits! 🙌
*Available from Village 210+
If it's your first time, you might be asked to connect using your Facebook credentials.
What are the Program's Perks?
📆 Daily Rewards: Come back every day to collect a surprise!
👆 Earn Points: Advance Tiers and collect rewards by accumulating points.
🪜 Reward Tiers: As you collect more points and climb the tiers, you'll unlock exclusive Chests and Stickers reserved only for Loyalty Program users.
To discover more, take a look at these articles: 👀
- How can I access the Loyalty Program?
- What is the Loyalty Program Daily Bonus?
- How can I access the Loyalty Program from my phone's home screen?
- What is the Loyalty Program Accessibility Section?
Enjoy the benefits and happy gaming! 🎉